8 Entrepreneurial Skills You Should Teach Your Kids (Infographic)

Children are told many things on a daily basis. Too many. Sit up straight. Chew with your mouth closed. Say “please” and “thank you.” Often, they’re so busy listening to the boss, or facing the consequences for not, that they don’t learn to be their own boss.

If you think your kids aren’t fantasizing about calling the shots for once, you’re dreaming. The sweet independence of being your own boss is what entrepreneurship is all about. That’s why kids and entrepreneurialism are such an excellent match. It practically comes natural to them.

But, like learning to tie their shoes or to ride a bike, when it comes to fostering your children’s entrepreneurial spirit, they’ll need a guiding nudge here and there from you. From coaching them to see obstacles as opportunities, to -- sorry, kids -- making them stick to their chores, from letting them play (aka learn) to their hearts’ content, to encouraging them to voice their opinions, there are lots of things you can do to get your kiddos on their autonomous way. Who knows? Like my mother-in-law, you could one day end up calling them boss.

To help you help yours, here’s an adorably illustrated list of eight key entrepreneurial skills you can teach your little ones, while they’re still little enough to listen to you. This infographic comes to us by way of Pumpic, a Tel Aviv-based startup that makes smartphone-monitoring apps for bosses, er, parents.


MiniBoss Business School International

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