Global Teachers Summit 2018 in Bulgaria

Teachers from different countries studied new MINIBOSS methods in pedagogy to expand innovation around the world

The MiniBoss educational summit brought together the 25 representatives of business schools from all over the world to speak about introducing educational innovations in ever-growing number of MiniBoss branches.

MiniBoss system was created 18 years ago. Back then, it was the first business-school in the educational market that helped children to reach their potential and discover their talents, that taught how to create and monetize successful projects.

Educational innovations is a main distinguishing feature of the International Business Network MiniBoss. During these years, we created unique educational programmes, proprietary game methods, developed text books for students and guidance for the teachers in different languages. The Franchisees and teachers familiarize themselves with the work of the educational system from inside, completing one stage after another and receiving necessary support from MiniBoss head office.

When the classes are over, the franchisees and the teachers got certified and are now ready to introduce MiniBoss educational innovations in their countries.

MiniBoss Business School International

Кен Робинсон. Новый взгляд на систему образования


Форум MINIBOSS "Социально-ответственный бизнес" (новости)

MINIBOSS Педагогический коллектив (новости)

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