Who will teach Russian children Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship?


International educational network MINIBOSS BUSINESS SCHOOL 
being an International training center for children and teens among 6-14 year olds 
is planning its opening in Moscow at the beginning of Februaury 2016.

As experts note, MINIBOSS BUSINESS SCHOOL that has an experience in opening business-schools in Eastern countries, the population with huge inspiration perceives the following system of additional trainings.

International educational network MINIBOSS BUSINESS SCHOOL is planning to open more than 200 franchise schools in Russia in a few years, which is absolutely affordable for enterprising young population and also functioning as a social inquiry within the public-private partnership in any world region. The first business-school of International educational network MINIBOSS BUSINESS SCHOOL, according to tradition of course, is opened in capitals. The executives of business-school are going to open schools in several regions of Moscow during the following year. The first school will start working in commonwealth with well-known Business-club and сoworking platform “Delovar” which is based in Moscow Palace of Youth on Komsomolskiy Avenue.

The success of business-school as a weekend school is based on teaching children the fundamentals of economics and entrepreneurship playfully from early years. Apart proprietary methodology developed by the founders of business-school and science division of International educational network MINIBOSS BUSINESS SCHOOL in 8-years program of education (there are 5 basic necessary and 3 additional courses) are applied innovative techniques of carrying trainings, master-classes, business-festivals, sustainable forums, national and international youth entrepreneur championships, summer and winter business-camps for children from around the world.

Since International educational network MINIBOSS BUSINESS SCHOOL is an international brand, the main office of which is based in Edinburgh (Great Britain), it means that the students are expected to participate in numerous exciting journeys to business, informative and educative trips around the world as well as to the international and world championships.

Each journey lets the kid not only to explore the world and orientate oneself in his or her diversity, but also learn the secrets from prominent venture capitalists of our age, visiting their enterprises and learning from them personally the lessons of successful conduct of business.

In the programs of International educational network MINIBOSS BUSINESS SCHOOL a special attention is paid to interaction of children, teachers and parents. There exists a special program for those parents who don’t just send their child to learn, but also want to participate in his or her formation as a future successful entrepreneur or businessman.
After all, children’s upbringing (besides the traditional educational system) has “to bring the child into the family” and make him/her the base of generation, but not the cog in the machine and its requirements.

The program of business-personality birth assumes the expansion of children’s talents from early years and acquiring skills of its monetization.

Consequently, with the help of International educational network MINIBOSS BUSINESS SCHOOL the government receives the population of talented socially responsible entrepreneurs and in midterm 5-10 years will receive absolutely different portrait of domestic business.

It should be noted, that government itself is already trying to provide similar educational process, but it looks more like attempts rather than a systematic approach, which offers an International educational network MINIBOSS BUSINESS SCHOOL.

For example, the correspondent of “Russian Newspaper” reports that the general educational program for the 9th forms will include a special course “Financial Competence”. Train-the-trainers will begin in the nearest six-month period. On the authority of Vladimir Chistyuhin the vice-chairman of Bank of Russia declared on the meeting in St. Petersburg, that the entire teaching material including study guides for children and teachers has already been developed.

Primarily there was talk of separate subject, but the Ministry of Education offered to confine with the special course. At present the developers are trying to shorten the program of the subject to a several chapters in a textbook. It is planned, that the pupils will be told about the fundamentals of rates of interest, capital issues and banks.

It means, that there is no other alternative of International educational network MINIBOSS BUSINESS SCHOOL on the immense territory of Russia. At that, the government has just started thinking about financial competence of the population, but not about the successful entrepreneur and businessman creation. The government doesn’t simply have the systematization of necessary capacity and skills, which each and every successful person must (and can) have and develop.

For instance, in the system of Centrobank it is considered that financial competence of Russian populations leaves a lot to be desired. It leads to such a result, that part of citizens show conservatism and even if they apply to a Bank, they would rather choose a traditional deposit.  There are Russians who are in a race for unreal high interest give their savings to fraudsters.  A large group of compatriots completely stay away from Banks not trusting anyone. All of this leads to the fact that financial system can’t fully develop.

Generally it is not even discoursed about financial competence problems in the sphere of getting financial recourses for launching personal business, or about methods of involvement investors and partners, international and local financial instruments.

There has been developed a conception of market evolution in the country till 2018б, which expects that the citizens will be able to lay claim to financial products. New possibilities require more knowledge, which CB assumes it is possible to master from middle school.

The founders of International educational network MINIBOSS BUSINESS SCHOOL are confident that the systematization of approach and being in demand of business-education will lead to a huge and universal interest to their programs of education and will make economical and business education available for not a few Russians.

With the opening of business-school in Moscow there is no necessity in sending our children to study abroad. Also an opportunity of cooperative upbringing of our children through the unique methods of teachers in International educational network MINIBOSS BUSINESS SCHOOL can hardly be overestimated.

And of course anybody who is interested is welcome to the opening of the First business-school of the International educational network MINIBOSS BUSINESS SCHOOL in Russia, which will take place on the 6thof February in the Moscow Palace of Youth in coworking space of Business-Club “Delovar” at the address: 
Komsomolskiy Avenue 28, right above the subway station “Frunsenskaya”.

MiniBoss Business School International

Кен Робинсон. Новый взгляд на систему образования


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